Visco Supplementation


Synvisc-One is an injection that supplements the fluid in your knee to help lubricate and cushion the joint, and can provide up to six months of osteoarthritis knee pain relief.

 synvisc-a synvisc-b
In knees with osteoarthritis, the joint fluid (called synovial fluid) can break down and not provide the cushioning your knee needs.A.Cartilage wears away
B. Bone spurs may develop
C. Joint fluid breaks down
Synvisc-One supplements your knee joint fluid to relieve the pain and improve the knee joint’s natural shock absorbing abilities.D.Synvisc-One replaces joint fluid

What is Synvisc-One?

The injection contains a gel-like mixture made from a substance called hyaluronan (pronounced hy-al-u-ROE-nan) that comes from chicken combs. Hyaluronan is a natural substance found in the body and is present in very high amounts in joints. The body’s own hyaluronan acts like a lubricant and a shock absorber in the joint and is needed for the joint to work properly.

Synvisc-One is for people with knee osteoarthritis who have not received enough pain relief from diet, exercise and over-the-counter pain medication. If you’ve tried these options and are still feeling knee pain, tell your doctor and ask if Synvisc-One could help.

Synvisc-One is a single-dose treatment that is injected directly into your knee by a doctor.

Purchase *
Duralane (+ $20 rebate) $320.00
Purchase *
SynVisc One $400.00

* Please Note: A referral from your physician is required to purchase Synvisc-One

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