Shoulder Impingement

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This is a two page document outlining several exercises which are appropiate for most patients suffering from shoulder impingement (Rotator Cuff Tendinosis). This is a common shoulder injury which can be very difficult to settle. It usually takes a multifaceted programme of exercises, modification of daily activities, and efforts to control pain and inflamation to settle. |
Core Stabilization Progressions

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This is a single page document providing a series of progressions to train and develope ideal Core control. Core training has proven to be an incredibly helpful tool in the recovery and prevention of injuries. |
Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome

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This is an exercise program listing many strengthening, stretching and massage techniques specifically designed to treat ITB Friction Syndrome. Your therapist will ensure that you are performing them well and assist you with progressions. |
Acute Ankle Inversion Sprain Protocol

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This one page document outlines the steps needed to look after an acute anke inversion sprain. It describes early management of pain and swelling, and provides a list of ten exercises to assist recovery. |
Hip Conditioning Program

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This is a general hip conditioning program designed to provide you with a wide variety of exercises and strategies to manage your symptoms. |
Neck Stabilization Program

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This is a document providing a series of exercises to develop neck stability. |