Pre & Post Surgical Care

Orthopaedic surgery is sometimes required after an injury. While surgery is an important part of treatment, it is not the only part. Surgeons are usually the first to tell their patients that a good pre and post operative rehabilitation plan is required to achieve ideal results, and maximize the likelihood of a optimal return to sport and physical activity. Pre and post surgical physiotherapy includes instructing patients in care and handling immediately post-op, developing a progressive exercise program, ensuring proper use of braces or equipment, and manual techniques to regain mobility at an appropriate rate given the surgical procedure done. Our physiotherapists have worked closely with the orthopaedic surgeons at New West Sports Medicine and the surrounding region to develop programmes for many common surgical procedures.

Common surgeries we deal with include:

  • ACL reconstruction
  • Achilles and ligament repairs
  • Bankart and Laterjet repairs
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Labral repairs
  • Meniscus arthroscopy
  • Rotator cuff repair
  • Shoulder, hip and knee replacements
  • Total joint replacement